Just like a new Kenmore washer and dryer set, I've been what they call in the Presbyterian Church (USA), installed as the called pastor of Clayton Valley Presbyterian Church. Many people have said to me, "Did you get a new church? I didn't know you were searching?" No, I did not. I've been at CVPC since October 2007. I came in as a Temporary Supply Pastor (sort of like the ones they get off the shelf at the big box store...you know, the ones where you can buy the pastor of your dreams?) Seriously, it has been a long journey for me and for the church, but it is finally a call.
Many of the members of the church have asked me if I was excited for this to be completed. Hmmmm, excited? Maybe a better word would be relieved. Also, this is not the culmination of the call. It feels like that happened months ago. I love this church. I love the people. I love the work. I see so much to be done. I know that all will not be easy. I understand my own brokenness and the brokenness of the church. In all of it, I see God. Excited, not really. Ecstatic with God's overwhelming Spirit....Absolutely!
We are glad you are here! It was a lovely ceremony!
it was a great day!
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