Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday afternoon musings of a weary pastor

* Ministry in the church is hard work.
* Ministry in the church is really hard work!
* Sometimes the more we try, the less we accomplish.
* God is generally one giant mystery to me.
* Bay Area sports are no longer the joyful diversion from life's daily trials.
* Community organizing sounds like a pretty good work to me.
* Did I mention that ministry in the church is hard work?
* Sabbath is not an option.
* Beauty will save the world.
* Yes We Can!
* Joy does not come in the morning for all of us ;-)
* I need the patience of Job, the humility of Mother Theresa, the prophetic power of Martin Luther King Jr, the financial prowess of Bill Gates, the entrepreneurial abilities of Steve Jobs, the creativity of Twyla Tharp and direct lineage from Jesus, then, maybe then, I'd be a great pastor. Then again, maybe not!

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