Saturday, September 27, 2008

Writer's Block

What does one do when the resistance is so great? How do we move beyond the point where we are certain we have nothing worth saying? What happens when the doubts creep in? The creative killers are stalking you at every corner. You're not a writer, no one cares about what you have to say, no one has commented on your blog in weeks, and on and on goes the negative tape.

It's like so much other work that requires discipline and regular endeavor - keep writing, keep painting, keep singing, keep playing, keep dancing. A friend of mine used to say that there were only two times that you should exercise -- when you feel like it and when you don't! Such is the case with artistic and spiritual endeavors. Just keep after it. The fruits are not always evident, but they will emerge. One cannot reap if one does not sow.

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