Thursday, November 19, 2009

no more cleansing but.....

So, I have completed the 28 days. I am through but I'm not finished. I feel good, although I must say that I had this quirky think with heart palpitations and I'm not sure it was related to the diet/food intake or if it is my hormones. Fortunately, it passed. I found another really cool food, though. Costco has 6 packs of brown rice in bowls that are microwaveable. How cool is that. Then I mixed in a bit of salmon and a tablespoon of almond butter (replaces peanut butter) and a few shakes of sweet chinese pepper sauce from TJs...sort of like a fake Thai dish. yummmmmmy! We are heading into a very tempting season and a very busy one for many of us, but especially those who are in ministry. I pray that I and others can stay healthy so that we may serve well and be well.
Peace and grace to all.

1 comment:

SK said...

Some of those holiday dishes are hard to resist: "I only eat this once a year!" Let me know how you do with that kind of temptation.

Will you be cooking special dishes for your daughter when she is home from college? Will there be temptation there as well?

Your diet (and some recent blood work) have inspired me to greatly reduce my sugar intake (but not eliminate it) along with white flour and other "baddies." I have done well, considering that my goals were not as lofty as yours. I really appreciated reading about your various struggles and triumphs, and miss the (almost) daily updates.

Thanks for the new posting! I hope to see more soon. :)