Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And another thing....

Today I am feeling very philosophical and nostalgic. In just one week, my two daughters will be entering their 10th and 12th grades of high school. I have lots of friends who have babies, toddlers, elementary school kids and friends who have college students, single adults and children with children of their own (in other words, grandchildren!) I have loved every age and stage of my girls' growth, progressively more than the one before it. I'm not one who really likes things to stay the same. My sameness is really about things always changing. However, it is amazing to me that the one in this picture was wearing a plaid skirt, cotton blouse, holding a lunch pail and a backpack for her first day of kindergarten 10 years ago. Where did the time go? I am fairly certain that those of us who have or have had children will never quite get over marking the beginning of a year in late August or early September. It is my prayer that this year more children will have homes, more children will have adequate nourishment, more children will go to bed with assurance that they will sleep peacefully through the night, more children will know love and support, and more children will be whole people. Otherwise, it is hard for me to understand why God has blessed me with so many opportunities and these assurances for my own children. I hope we'll all be encouraged to share these blessings with others. A wise friend of my mom's used to say that our children do not belong to us, but God has simply loaned them to us for a little while. I'm enjoying my little while! Thanks God and thank you Allison and Shannon. Amen.

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