Friday, December 18, 2009

Angel Cards - Day 1 Adventure

I have found that a project or a theme is the best way for me to attack writing a blog. So, I've gone from the 28 day cleanse to Angel Cards. They're simply little word cards with pictures of angels on them. Just a thought starter, really. My friend game me her box and suggested it might be away for me to venture into writing daily again. The cards have words like purpose, courage, synthesis, etc.

Don't really know if I'm enough of a word master to come up with intersections between these words and my life, but I'll give it a shot. So, the first word is Adventure.

I guess whenever I hear that word I wince and think this word surely has nothing to do with me. I don't think of myself as much of an adventurer. It brings up the word risk along with it and I definitely don't think of myself as a risk taker. When I did a psych assessment before I entered the ministry, the psychologist who interviewed me said that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. She reminded me that there are all sorts of adventure and risk. Not just one of physical endangerment, but anytime we try something new or different. When I think of it that way, I realize I jump in to adventure all the time....moved to California when I was 20 and not knowing a soul except my husband (now ex-husband). Had 3 jobs, graduated from college, and started a career in an industry in which I had no training or knowledge. By the time I was 30 I had lived in 7 different places, divorced and remarried.
Adventures are still happening...anything that involves physical, emotional or financial risk can be termed an adventure. I tend to take more than my share of financial risks....just ask my husband! Adventure involves excitement, journey, the unknown and an awareness that we are not always in control. Oh drat! I like being in control.

Who knows, maybe this next writing project is in and of itself an "adventure." We'll see!

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