Saturday, December 19, 2009

Angel Cards - Day 2 Grace

What irony to receive this word - grace. First of all, I think it is one of the most difficult words to define. Google definitions says that grace is unmerited favor. It is also a prayer said before meals and a word to describe beautiful and effortless movement. When I think of grace, the first image that comes to my mind is dance. I am a huge fan of the ballet and most any form of dance. One of my favorite scriptures is the story of David dancing (naked even!) In a way, I see this image intertwined with unmerited favor. Grace is ephemeral - that is, short lived, beginnin or ending in a day. Yes, grace is eternal, but it is also found in fleeting moments.

Sometimes grace is only recognized or understood when it seems we no longer have grace. I can feel myself winding around and around and really not coming up with much. I know in my heart that my very life and all that is in it is a gift of grace, but I can't seem to put my mind around the idea that God would love me enough to offer that grace. I guess it is what we are put on earth to that grace to others so that they might see it and God for themselves.

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