Wednesday, October 21, 2009

28 Day Cleanse - Day 13

Unlucky 13! I made the mistake of getting on the scale today. Before you draw any conclusions from that, I've actually lost about 10 pounds! Wow!!! I'm so surprised. The reason I call it a mistake is that I really don't want it to be about the weight. I don't want to get drawn into the whole number thing. I don't want to judge my success or failure on how much weight I lose in 28 days. In fact, that would be very bad because if I do really well, I might be less likely to want to continue. I know that sounds crazy, but there is this bizarre brain activity that goes on for me that is like self-sabotage. If I do really well for a while, then I start to think, "hmmmm, it won't hurt if I just eat like a normal person for a while." I feel as if the 3 margaritas and the cheezy burrito really won't do harm. Then that turns into the yummy birthday cake with 3 inches of frosting....etc etc etc. So, I'm trying to just forget about the scale. I'll get on again at the end of the 28 days and see where I am, but until then, I want to focus on my attitude, my relationships and my health.

Continuing with the cognitive dissonance I am living with as I continue to prepare for the "Spirituality of Food" retreat, I am reading a book by Robert Farrar Capon entitled the "Supper of the Lamb." In it he gives an entire treatise that makes a case for butter. He treats each recipe and manner of food preparation as sacrament. It's fascinating and almost as tantalizing as watching the opening of Julie and Julia, where Meryl Streep (Julia) is tasting the fish in the restaurant. It's sensual and worshipful and pure delight! I guess what I'm wondering is how I can reconcile the fasting with the feasting. Any ideas?


SK said...

I can so totally relate to the self-sabotage! I think that is one reason my weight has yo-yo'd throughout the years. Just as soon as I would achieve my weight loss goals, I would start just a little unhealthy eating here and there, and then a little more and before I knew it, all the weight had come back on again. I think you are wise to not focus on the scale. (Still, congrats on losing the 10 lbs.!) :)

"I want to focus on my attitude, my relationships and my health." Does the feasting have to be about food? Can you have a "feasting attitude" about the positive things going on in your life? You have been blessed in so many ways! Feast on your blessings!

Feast on the Word of God. "You shall not live by bread alone..." How many scriptural references are there that tell us to ingest God's Word? It seems like there is a plethora of verses that use the language of food and eating when referring to God's Word.

Continued blessings on you, Gail! :)

SK said...

Alton Brown did a show earlier this week about butter too. He pointed out that butter is better for you than margarine, and tastes better too. :)