Friday, October 16, 2009

28 Day Cleanse - Day 8

So, I have completed one week and am on to week two. In retrospect, last week was pretty good. Today I started adding a product that is called Paleo Cleanse. Gross! Disgusting! Awful! I was pretty discouraged. Tried putting this product in my shakes and almost couldn't hack it. But I started reading some of the recipes again and found I can add it to a quinoa cereal for breakfast. I figure that may be more palatable for me. The product container says to use it with 8 ounces of water. I think it may be better for me to just "chug" one of those down a day than try to tolerate with other seemingly good tasting things.

Another serendipitous happening during this 28 day journey is that I am walking with some members of my church in the Church World Service CROP walk.
What is a CROP Hunger Walk? you ask:
Neighbors walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Together we raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger-fighting
I've raised $190 and our church has raised over $500. We're small and that seems like a drop in the bucket, but if everyone pitches in, we can do amazing things. Also, I'm looking forward to doing something that focuses outside of myself and toward serving others.

I pray for all who are hungry and tired and homeless....

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