Friday, October 23, 2009

28 Day Cleanse - Days 14 and 15

Oops! I was sooooo whipped last night after two 12 hour work days that I simply went from the front door to bed last evening. Did not pass go, did not collect $200 and did not blog. I do feel as if my body is adjusting to the chemical changes. I realize I have put my body through a lot of dairy, no refined sugars, no wheat, limited fats, and no alcohol. That's a lot of change in a short amount of time. I think the comment SK made on my last post, the one about feasting on things besides food is a very good one. So, what does a feasting lifestyle look like? I think we've forgotten what feasting really means. Instead, we've replaced it with the idea of too much is what we live for. Overdoing it. Going for all the gusto. Eating the whole enchilada. Having one's cake and eating it too. This is not's gluttony. Don't go whole hog....instead, savor, enjoy, delight, take joy in the small things. A very long time ago I was in a Weight Watchers program with probably the only good leader I ever had. One of her quotes was "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." I'm not sure I totally believe that, but perhaps we'd all be better off to heed the sentiment of the saying. Addiction to gratification, whether it be food, substances, material possessions, even human relationships, is never a good thing. Augustine said, "Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee." Some might say it's an overused phrase, but I think it isn't until we heed it's call.

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