Sunday, October 25, 2009

28 Day Cleanse - Day 17

Wow, the days are speeding by. Only one word for today: Headache! Ouch ouch ouch. Just when I thought I was over the hump, the effects of the cleanse rear their ugly heads again. I will not be defeated, though. I ask for prayers for these next 3 days as I am on retreat with a number of other pastors in the Presbytery. These events are notorious for snacks and wine and other spirits. I pray for will power and perseverance. Tomorrow I will write a more lengthy reflection. Good night and be well.....


SK said...

How are you doing on your retreat? I hope that the intellectual and emotional food that you are receiving is helping you to resist the temptation of the other food that is there! You have been exercising that self-control muscle for 17 days now... has it gotten stronger?

SK said...

You are overdue for reporting on Days 18 and 19! I hope all is going well for you and that you are having a fabulous time. :)