Wednesday, October 28, 2009

28 Day Cleanse - Day 20

I made a decision to fast from the computer during our Sabbath retreat. I left my phone in my room and only looked at it twice a day. The food was a challenge, but I had many successes. I did not eat the superb smelling pizza, cookies, cake, pecan pie (a favorite of mine). But I did feast on amazing reflections, the good fellowship of colleagues, laughter at dinner, and beautiful candlelight in the seminary chapel. I feel "fat" on God! One of the things we talked about in our retreat, the first movement of Sabbath, was stopping. I think that is so important in balanced eating. Being aware enough to stop before taking a bit, planning a menu, shopping at the grocery store, etc.

A poem

frantic, chaotic, out of control
It's a rat race but I am not a rat
I'm a human being, not a human doing
Slow me down
Make me stop
s l o w m e d o w nnnnnnnnn.

1 comment:

SK said...

I love the poem! But adhering to that every day would be difficult. Still, it is a good goal to go for!

It sounds like the retreat was a great success for you on many levels. You even stayed off the computer--wow! :)